Electronics company in Taiwan
R&D Engineer (Jul 2021 - Present)
- Advanced research: - Study the state-of-the art paper to understand the cutting edge technology, and making connection to the customer needs.
- Developing automated design by Python: - I am familiar with Python and proficient in constructing theoretical models and solving mathematical problems. - For Xfmr design, it involves a variety of architectures and numerous design parameters. - We develop the algorithm with GUI so that engineers can easily choose the optimized cost effective solution from those possible solutions.
- Field application engineer (FAE): - Serve as a communication bridge between our engineering team and global customers. - Support the technical discussion with global customers. - Organize team members to work on projects.
- Design engineer for high power magnetics: - Design the high power magnetics for automotive applications, such as OBC & DCDC Xfmr, PFC choke, boost reactor, coupled inductors...etc.
[1] P.-C. Sun, Entanglement Islands from Holographic Thermalization of Rotating Charged Black Hole, [arXiv:2108.12557 [hep-th]]
[2] P.-C. Sun, The Influence of Angular Momentum and Chemical Potential on Holographic Entanglement Entropy, [arXiv:2107.08215 [hep-th]]
[3] P.-C. Sun, Time Evolution of the Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Black Hole Thermalization, [Master National Central University [Thesis]]
[4] P.-C. Sun, D.-S. Lee and C.-P. Yeh, Holographic approach to thermalization in general anisotropic theories, JHEP 03, 164 (2021) [arXiv:2011.02716 [hep-th]]
- Our paper [4] was selected for inclusion in the Nature Index.
- The paper [1] has the most citations.
M.S. in Physics, Natl. Central U.
(Sep 2019 - Jun 2021)
Thesis Title:
Time Evolution of the Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Black Hole Thermalization
B.S. in Physics, Natl. Dong Hwa U.
(Sep 2015 - Jun 2019)
- Program of Theoretical and Computational Physics
- Program of Nano Science and Optoelectronics
- Minor: Division of Mathematical Science, Dept. of Applied Mathematics
Activities and societies:
【Director of Student Association of Dept. of Physics】,【Wind Ensemble, Dept. of Music】, 【Wind Ensemble Club】
Research Topic:
Holographic Approach to Thermalization in General Anisotropic Theories
Our paper was selected for inclusion in the Nature Index.
Programming Language
- Mathematica
- Python(Pytorch)
- Python script for Ansys
- Maple
- Ansys Maxwell
- Latex
- Mathcad
I am expert in using Mathematica or Maple to analyze differential equations, deal with integration problems or tensor calculations, and using Python or MATLAB for numerical computations.